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The Digital Scholar

November 27, 2012 in Uncategorized

Interesting post on Martin Weller’s book ‘The Digital Scholar’ by Debbie Morrison.

In her post, Morrison shares five pedagogical methods that Weller suggests that would be appropriate and relevant for educating learners in a digital world.

  1. Resource-based learning (RBL): Resource-based learning relies students’ own initiative, where learners select from a variety of resources, print, media and even human resources that they deem appropriate to meet their learning goals. Learners are given responsibility for selecting resources that appeal to their own learning preferences.
  2. Problem-based learning (PBL): This approach is unique, yet we’re seeing many instituions within higher education incorporating this method.  Students begin with a problem, it is  first step in the learning process. The problem is often ill-structured or open-ended. University of Delaware promotes a PBL program on its website, “PBL is about students connecting disciplinary knowledge to real-world problems—the motivation to solve a problem becomes the motivation to learn.” Further PBL resources: cooperative learning series, UC Irvine, and USC, Dental School.
  3. Constructivism: This theory gained much popularity in the 1990s, particularly with the advent of e-learning.  The learner is central in this model, an active part of the learning process. Constructivism is grounded in Vygotsky’s theory of social development.
  4. Communities of practice: Lave and Wenger’s (1991) book on situated learning and Wenger’s (1998)  influential book on communities of practice highlight the social role in learning and the importance of apprenticeship. Internships and working in the community are examples of this method in action.
  5. Connectivism: This learning theory developed by Stephen Downes and  George Siemens is based upon the premise that knowledge is created through a series of connections (nodes) within a network that the learner interacts with. Information can be chaotic but the learner is able to make sense of information based upon his or her own objectives and motivations. Further resources: e-learnspace.


Where do parents and teachers fit when it comes to online participation with children?

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